Monday, July 28, 2014

Ken Loves Sergio Franchi!

My first gay crush was singer Sergio Franchi! 

On Sunday October 14, 1962 I was 11-years old. 

And back then, Sunday night meant only one thing:

Gathering around the TV to watch "The Ed Sullivan Show." 

The number one song on the radio was "The Monster Mash." 
But when Ed introduced the very exotic and dashing Italian tenor, I sat up and took notice as he stole my heart singing "Core Ngrato." 

"Ungrateful Heart" ... ironic, no? 

He was simply the most handsome man I had ever seen! I decided then and there to save my pennies and travel from rural Massachusetts to Rome, where we would become great friends. And, perhaps more?

Suffice it to say, I was in love! 

Ken - Massachusetts

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Monday, June 23, 2014

Sophie Loves Kate Winslet!

My first gay crush was actress Kate Winslet. 

At age 9, I totally fell for her in 1997. To me, she was simply the most beautiful creature in existence. 

There was just something about her that made me dizzy and made my heart ache.

I would stare at her picture for hours and try to draw her, dreaming up all sorts of plots and scenarios in which I'd get to meet her. I remember busily collecting "Titanic" posters and pictures of Leonardo DiCaprio with my friends. I had a strange little crush on Leonardo as well, which, in retrospect, seems just as gay?

I remember asking them, 'But don't you just think KATE WINSLET is b e a u t i f u l ?' I couldn't understand why they weren't as into her as I was.

My mom said I was too young to see "Titanic," so we rented "Sense & Sensibility" instead. 

I remember being terrified there would be a nude scene, and everyone would be able to tell what I was thinking. 

Kate just tore a hole in my heart that day. 
And even without a nude scene, I was blushing and excited all over throughout the entire film. 

Sophie - Vienna, Austria

Click here: "Born This Way: Real Stories of Growing Up Gay" book
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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Paul Loves Seann William Scott!

Thinking back, it’s hard to remember my exact first gay crush. However, the front runner to this day has to be Seann William Scott!

I had older sisters and was allowed to watch the "American Pie" movies. I was a 10 year old in Northern California when the first one came out, and I was in love. 

Yup, I was in love with the guy who played Steve Stifler. I don’t know if it was the arrogant attitude, his womanizing antics, and/or overtly sexual behavior - but boy, was I in love! He was a total jerk, but his body was perfect.

I was unaware that this would explain the type of guys I’ve dated as an adult! But besides that, I followed all his movies, and one of my favorites was “Road Trip.” 

Embarrassingly enough, it's because of the scene at a sperm bank. He gets his prostate stimulated by a woman, and watching him enjoy that was the pinnacle of prepubescent "alone time" in my room.

That eventually lead to me getting caught watching that scene on repeat. Although my sister heard the scene repeating from my room, it was still my big secret. Or so I thought!

To this day, I still get excited whenever I see him in a movie or on TV. And I can’t wait for the "American Pie Reunion"!!!

Paul - San Francisco, CA

Click here: "Born This Way: Real Stories of Growing Up Gay" book
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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Jeffrey Loves Kent McCord!

My first gay crush was actor Kent McCord!

He was special to me, because it was the earliest time I can recall staring at a man's face on television. 

As Officer Reed on "Adam-12" he was serious, clean cut, and professional.

He was a hero, a cop, and he sure looked good wearing that police uniform. 

And he was, in my opinion, unbelievably handsome. 

Even at 5 years-old, I knew I wanted to be married to him.

I loved watching "Adam-12" even though I didn't even understand what was going on most of the time. Also, my parents often sent me to bed before the show finished.

I kept my crush a secret from everyone. I was way too young to know what 'gay' meant anyway. But I did know it wasn't socially acceptable.

Jeffrey - Portsmouth, Virginia

Click here: "Born This Way: Real Stories of Growing Up Gay" book
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Monday, April 14, 2014

Larry Loves Ron Ely!

My first gay crush was Ron Ely of “Tarzan” fame. 

I have very fond memories of watching weekend afternoon reruns of "Tarzan" when I was around age 12 to 14 years old.

I believe his stint as “Tarzan” ran from ’66 through ’68.

At the time, I didn’t exactly understand why I was so drawn to him, but I sure do now. 

That handsome face, those lips, his hair.
And that very daring and teasing loin cloth! 

I vaguely remember often visualizing rescue scenarios as I was falling asleep at night, imagining him as my hunky older savior. 

This is probably why I’ve always preferred men a bit older than me.

Larry - Atlanta, Georgia

Click here: "Born This Way: Real Stories of Growing Up Gay" book
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Monday, March 10, 2014

Dor Loves George Michael!

My first gay crush was George Michael! 
Oh, those white teeth and charming smile. 

In 1984 I was 14, and Wham! had just come into my life. Somehow Annie Lennox was also on the list as she was so damn androgynous and amazing.
And Boy George was on my list as well.

But George Michael was my main man, my young gun, and my careless whisper all rolled into one lovely Grecian God!

I used to imagine that "Club Tropicana" was a real place and I dreamed of working there. 

To this day, Wham! remains in my music mix and George remains a full blown crush, alas only figuratively.  

When George came out, I was so relieved and happy for him. With that white speedo and sparkling smile, I think we all knew it all along. 

Long live the 80's! 

Dor - Portland, Oregon 

Click here: "Born This Way: Real Stories of Growing Up Gay" book
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