Showing posts with label Mark Wahlberg. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mark Wahlberg. Show all posts

Friday, June 17, 2011

JD Loves "Marky Mark" Wahlberg!

I was 11, and my first gay crush
was "Marky Mark" Wahlberg.

Initially, I didn't like his cocky attitude in his "Good Vibrations" video.

But my hormones soon kicked in after a few months of being mesmerized by his sweaty moves in arty black and white.

And then?

I wanted him to push ME against a chain-link fence, like the lucky female model in the video.

Then his workout tape came out. But I didn't buy it until I was 15 or so, in the bargain bin at K-Mart. I remember being so nervous as I bought it, so my mom and sister wouldn't see. The cashier was almost laughing at my obvious nervousness.

I hid the video inside my coat to leave, and often hid the workout tape at home. I was never able to watch it for very long, thanks to my hormones. And sure enough, I got forgetful once and left the tape in the living room as my family was spring cleaning.

I was clearly embarrassed as my nosy sister asked why I had the tape. And, why I didn't seem as fit as Marky or his workout buddies in the tape.

I attempted to actually use the workout tape for its intended purpose. But again, I could rarely make it past the first few minutes. Which is when they show Marky waking up in bed, in nothing but his Calvin's.

JD - Augusta, GA
Marky Mark Workout [VHS]PLAYGIRL MAY 1993: Mark Wahlberg on Cover! (whats between him & his calvins); UC Berkeley's Naked Guy in all his glory;Music for the People

Inspired by the "Born This Way Blog" -

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Rowan Loves Mark Wahlberg!

My first gay crush was Mark Wahlberg,
when I was about 8-years old.

MTV was playing "Good Vibrations" by Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch.

It may have been the 'bad boy' attitude, the killer body, or the song working on some sub-conscious level? 

But, I got nothing but
'good vibrations' from him!

Further searching on the web revealed pictures of his days as an underwear model. 

And that was the moment my feelings turned into a full blown crush.

Honestly, not much has changed since. I'm still very fond of Mr. Wahlberg, and many others. But he will always be my first gay crush.

Rowan - Alberta, Canada

Inspired by the "Born This Way Blog" -