Showing posts with label Leonardo DiCaprio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Leonardo DiCaprio. Show all posts

Monday, June 23, 2014

Sophie Loves Kate Winslet!

My first gay crush was actress Kate Winslet. 

At age 9, I totally fell for her in 1997. To me, she was simply the most beautiful creature in existence. 

There was just something about her that made me dizzy and made my heart ache.

I would stare at her picture for hours and try to draw her, dreaming up all sorts of plots and scenarios in which I'd get to meet her. I remember busily collecting "Titanic" posters and pictures of Leonardo DiCaprio with my friends. I had a strange little crush on Leonardo as well, which, in retrospect, seems just as gay?

I remember asking them, 'But don't you just think KATE WINSLET is b e a u t i f u l ?' I couldn't understand why they weren't as into her as I was.

My mom said I was too young to see "Titanic," so we rented "Sense & Sensibility" instead. 

I remember being terrified there would be a nude scene, and everyone would be able to tell what I was thinking. 

Kate just tore a hole in my heart that day. 
And even without a nude scene, I was blushing and excited all over throughout the entire film. 

Sophie - Vienna, Austria

Click here: "Born This Way: Real Stories of Growing Up Gay" book
Inspired by the "Born This Way Blog" -

Monday, October 10, 2011

Justin Loves Leonardo DiCaprio!

My first gay crush was on Jack Dawson
(aka actor Leonardo DiCaprio).

I first saw "Titanic" when I was 6, in the mid 90's with my sister and aunt.

The movie was captivating for me. And even though I was so young, I still understood the gravity of Jack and Rose's love for each other. Also, I was wickedly jealous of Rose.

At first I wasn't sexually attracted to him (I was 6 for God's sake), but when I saw Jack frozen in the water with Rose trying to wake him up, I started bawling my eyes out.

I thought it was a real story, and I was watching an actor die filming it. My aunt tried to console me by telling me it was just a movie, but it didn't help me sleep at night.

I remember having dreams of me falling through the water and flying through the sunken Titanic. I would meet Jack by the clock, and we would embrace and kiss while everyone around us applauded.

I still have a crush on Leo today. But the Jack Dawson that stole my 6-year old heart has to rest in peace. That is, until I have the occasional dream taking me on another journey down to that amazing ship.

Justin - Steilacoom, WA

Inspired by the "Born This Way Blog" -

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Sean Loves Leonardo DiCaprio!

My first gay crush was Leonardo DiCaprio.

I was in the 6th grade and really didn't have much of an idea that I was gay. At that point in time, the only minority I associated with was the group of kids that only ever wore sweatpants to school.

I remember the Batman & Robin issue of Disney Adventures magazine had arrived at home, and there was an article on Leo, because "Titanic" was coming out soon. And something changed for me that day.

Among all the pictures of George Clooney and Chris O'Donnell in rubber, I couldn't stop looking at the pictures of DiCaprio. It was verging on obsession.

The week after the magazine had arrived, I stayed home from school one day. I was a good kid, so my parents trusted me to be home alone. Well, let's just say things happened for me that had never happened before. And the Disney Adventures magazine was a little worse for the wear because of it...

Sean - Cincinnati, OH
Titanic (10th Anniversary Edition)The Ultimate LEONARDO DiCAPRIO Photo Album (Bio-Pix Presents) (Volume #1)Fire on the Mountain Male Genital Massage (DVD)

Inspired by the "Born This Way Blog" -