Friday, July 8, 2011

Julia Loves Christina Ricci!

My first gay crush was actress Cristina Ricci.

I went to see the movie "Now and Then" and lost my mind over the badass character she played.

In the movie, Christina couldn't identify with her girly pals. 

She even taped her boobs down for the first half of the film.

My crush got so deep that I had to feign a massive crush on Devon Sawa, to balance out my obsession.

I think my mom even got uncomfortable and pissed at me, for talking about her so much. I remember getting a bunch of teen magazines and I made a collage of Devon Sawa to put in the inside of my trunk at summer camp.

I would go to great lengths to ensure people that I actually had crushes on boys. I remember opening up the trunk at camp, and feeling embarrassed about the collage. Luckily, my shampoo bottle exploded and got everything stained, so I ended up crumpling it up and throwing it right away.

I listened to the "Now and Then" soundtrack until the cassette tape broke. My friends and I would pretend we were the characters in the movie, and of course I was always cast as the "tomboy" - aka the Cristina Ricci.

She was my hero!

Julia - Miami, FL

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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Todd Loves Big Jim!

My first gay crush was on Big Jim,
a Mattel action figure doll.

In 1972, Mattel Toys' pacifist answer to G.I. Joe arrived in my life - wrapped with a bow no less - on my 5th birthday. And yes:

My Big Jim doll was my first gay crush.

And seriously,
what's not to love? 

Those full lips of his, curled in a teasing half-smile. Those gentle brown eyes, large hands, and not to mention that athletic, injection-molded build! He was 8" of handsome jock that you could carry around in your pocket. I took him everywhere.

At age 5, he was my best friend. But even with a vast wardrobe of every sport uniform possible, I recall enjoying him most when shirtless.

Or in just his tube socks! Unfortunately, his orange Speedos were glued on!

Big Jim ignited my lifelong passion for both men and toys. And he certainly made me want to "collect them all!" And, thanks to that man hunk of plastic, I'll always be a sucker for brown-eyed brunettes.

Thank you for creating these amazing blogs. You've started a revolution which has single-handedly helped move the LGBT community towards self-acceptance and, more importantly, self-celebration!

Todd - New York, NY

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Friday, July 1, 2011

Malcolm Loves David Soul!

My first gay crush was 70's actor David Soul!

This was 1977. I was 10-years old and I plastered my bedroom walls with his posters. 

I talked about him endlessly at home and at school, and never missed an episode of "Starsky & Hutch."

I didn't feel pressure to hide my romantic adoration of this gorgeous man.

Which was accompanied by a need and a longing I had yet to understand.

Soon after I started middle school, a classmate spotted a favorite photo I'd pasted into an exercise book. Whatever it was he said, I was mortified that my adoration meant I might be seen as gay.

So, after the 2 years of innocent pleasure I'd enjoyed loving him, I dumped my crush. And with those feelings of shame, I took the first steps into the closet. A place I wouldn’t break out of until many years later.

Malcolm - London, UK

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Thursday, June 30, 2011

David Loves Corey Hart!

My first gay crush was singer Corey Hart!

Seeing the video for "Sunglasses At Night" started it for me...

Corey Hart had such a smoldering, sexy look that I totally fell for.

As he's from Canada,
I found his slight foreign accent to be especially intriguing.

I followed his career, reaching the peaking point of my crush with his album, "Boy In The Box."

I remember reading an interview in Bop Magazine about how he got his hair so spiky. His answer? Toothpaste. So I gave it a try to be like him. It didn't work on my hair that well, but it did smell minty fresh that day.

My crush on Corey was a secret, but I would tear out the full page pics of him in Bop and 16 magazines, and put them on my bedroom wall. I felt like it wasn't as obvious, since I had Madonna, Cyndi Lauper, and Wham! posters up there in the mix, too.

David - Los Angeles, CA
Boy In The BoxSunglasses At NightCorey Hart: The Complete Aquarius Years 1983-1990, Chapter 1 - Life Is a Video

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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Paul Loves Prince Eric!

I was 9-years old when Prince Eric from "The Little Mermaid" stole my heart.

He was chiseled, sensitive, and able to maintain a perfect coif at all times - even against strong sea winds!

And of course, he's royalty.

One day, I remember going shopping with my mom in search of birthday presents for my younger sister.

I came across a book of Disney paper dolls. While my sister had no interest in them, I tried desperately to convince Mom otherwise. I just had to have that picture of Prince Eric in his underwear!

I suppose a cartoon prince was the safest crush for a gay, Midwestern boy from a conservative family. I mean, he wasn't even 3-dimensional. 

Sitting in religion class at my Catholic school, I filled the perimeters of my notebooks with doodles of Prince Eric, all the while learning about the "evils of homosexuality."

That year our family took a beach vacation.

I ventured out into the water by myself one evening. With nothing but waves as far as I could see, it was easy to imagine being swept away and washing up on a distant shore.

Someplace where a handsome prince would be waiting to rescue me — and make me "part of his world."

Paul - Columbus, OH

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Monday, June 27, 2011

Victor Loves Mike Patton!

My first gay crush was in 1990, for 
Faith No More singer Mike Patton.

I was about 7-years old when I discovered my first real crush, because I was OBSESSED with MTV.

I remember the video for "Epic" coming out, and hearing all the controversy over the flopping fish at the end of the video.

At the time, I didn't realize what I was feeling about singer Mike Patton, so I thought about it in a very child-like way. I remember telling my mom that I wanted to look like him when I grew up. I had a major thing for his long hair and I loved the song, even as a kid.

I think it is hilarious now as an adult, that the first crush I remember is now someone I respect as a prolific musician. And I still think he's hot.

Victor - Washington, DC
Faith No More - Live at Brixton Academy You Fat B**tardsFaith No More Singer Mike Patton 8"x10" Color Concert PhotoThe Branding of MTV: Will Internet Kill the Video Star

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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Zach Loves Jonathan Taylor Thomas!

Jonathan Taylor Thomas was
most certainly my first gay crush.

It was the 90's and he was on a little hit show called "Home Improvement". It all started when I was about 12.

In fact, my crush on him helped me to begin to come to terms with my sexuality.

He was cute, funny, and I adored him. Being about the same age, he and I basically grew up together, as he and his career grew.

I always found him to be a comfort when times were difficult for me growing up.

My friends and family didn't know about my crush, because I wasn't out to them then. But they were
well aware that I was a fan, as I had a small collection of his pictures from teen magazines.

It was still good times when we all went to see
"Wild America" and "Tom & Huck" at the movies - even
if I was one of the only few guys in the theater. :)

Zach – Moreno Valley, CA

Home Improvement - The Complete Third SeasonSigned Thomas, Jonathan Taylor 8x10 PhotoWild America

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Saturday, June 25, 2011

David Loves Chuck Connors!

Actor Chuck Connors was
my first gay crush.

I was a little boy in the 1950's, and one of my all time favorite TV shows was "The Rifleman."

And it was totally because of that hunk of a man, named Chuck Connors.

He made this little gay boy swoon. I was riveted to his every move in his tight jeans, which always accentuated his muscular legs and butt.

He played Lucas McCain and Johnny Crawford played Mark,
his little boy.

I wanted to be Mark, who got to hug Chuck. And ride horseback with Chuck. And just be with Chuck a lot.

It was my secret, but oh how I fantasized about my crush.

David - New York, NY

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Friday, June 24, 2011

Drew Loves Neil Cassady!

My first gay crush was Neil Cassady.

In 1979, when I was 15, I somehow got a copy of Jack Kerouac's "Desolation Angels."

And I read it in one night.

"On The Road" followed in my collection, along with most of the rest of Kerouac's books.

I was immediately fascinated by Neil, who inspired the Dean Moriarty character. And, the relationship he shared with whatever Kerouac stand-in.

I filled up my journal thinking about a man like Neal Cassady, coming into town in a '48 Ford. And giving me a wink and telling me to hop in, as the two of us head down the highway, away from the hell of my adolescence.

Here, Neal's on the left, and Jack's on the right. To this day, what a handsome man he was.

I had this poster on my wall in college. Even though I was an English Major and closeted, I later found out that all my friends totally knew what was up with me and Neal Cassady.

"And they danced down the street like Dingledodies,
as I shambled after them..."

Drew - Palm Springs, CA

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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Keith Loves Kurt Russell!

My first gay crush was Kurt Russell in "Overboard!"

He first caught my eye in "Big Trouble in Little China," and my habit of seeing every movie in the mid 80's led me to a matinee screening of Kurt, and his white tank top.

The way he tucked his thumbs under his shirt drove me wild.
I was 13. 

And I've had a thing for thick, burly, meaty, hairy men ever since. There was a guy in my high school who looked a lot like him, who I ogled for 4 years while trying to not be obvious about it.

Anyway, I try to play down this first crush due to his mullet. Hey, I wasn't looking at what was on his head! But I feel no embarrassment - he still looks great! I do, however, balk at admitting I went to see him in "Soldier" many years later. What a void of everything, brain-dead, joke that was.

Is it ironic that the first nude woman I saw in a movie was HBO's "Wildcats" - with Goldie Hawn in the bathtub? No, probably not.

So, Kurt Russell in a movie is definitely a PLUS, even though I never cared for those Snake Plissken flicks. I think I ought to check out his 70's Disney work, eh?

Keith - Philadelphia, PA

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Scott Loves Michael Schoeffling!

My first gay crush was actor Michael Schoeffling.

It was early summer 1984.

I was 9 and got dragged to see a movie by my older female cousin.

I remember I didn't want to see this movie at all, and just wanted to go back home and go swimming.

But my cousin was 16, able to overpower me, and she made me go. And the movie we saw changed my life forever: It was "16 Candles."
From the moment Jake Ryan (played by the gorgeous Michael Schoeffling) came on screen, I had goose bumps. I had never felt so instantly attracted to anyone like that before.

He was handsome, sweet, and rich. Oh, the chiseled jaw, beautiful eyebrows, smoldering glances, and the way he pegged his jeans. It was love (or at least lust) at first sight.

Feelings and sensations were suddenly unlocked for me, that I'd never felt before. And by the end of the movie, I was sobbing with all the teenage girls in the Cineplex

After the movie, I would pray to wake up one day and be Molly Ringwald, so that I could go off and marry Jake. I was convinced he was the man for me.

To this day, men who resemble Michael Schoeffling still get my blood boiling. Thus, my second gay crush was on Matt Dillon, because to me he had the same physical attributes: dark hair, thick brows, smoldering looks...

Whew, is it hot in here? :)

Scott - San Diego, CA

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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Bobby Loves Ricky Schroder!

My first gay crush was Ricky Schroder.

The first time I saw Ricky was in "The Last Flight of Noah's Ark" in 1980.

I was only 9, but I remember being jealous of his friend in the movie, and I wanted desperately to be his best friend.

I didn't understand my feelings, but I know I was obsessed with wanting to know more about him.

I made my parents rent "The Champ" just so I could watch more of the boy with the blonde hair and the bright blue eyes.

By the time Ricky was in "Silver Spoons" in 1982,
my crush had developed to the point that I would hide my sister's Tiger Beat magazines, so I could look at the pictures of Ricky, alone by myself.

I still hadn't figured out exactly why I wanted to know as much about him as possible, as I stared at every picture and read about his "likes/dislikes." But I did know that these feelings were to be kept hidden, especially from my older brother.

I feel like I grew up with Ricky, and by the time I recognized this crush on him during "Silver Spoons," I started to come to terms with the idea that I was gay. While I wouldn't come out to my family for many years, I'll always remember my first crush.

Bobby - West Hollywood, CA
Last Flight of Noah's ArkSILVER SPOONS RICK SCHRODER 11X14 COLOR PHOTOSilver Spoons - The Complete First Season

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Monday, June 20, 2011

David Loves Jack Larson!

I was around 7 when I developed my
first gay crush, on TV actor Jack Larson.

I was a big fan of the show "Superman" in the 50's. Superman himself didn't do much for me, but I was totally into Jimmy Olsen, played by Jack Larson.

He and Lois Lane, were always being captured and put into harm's way, always rescued at the last minute by Superman.

I recall a few episodes that for whatever reason, Larson was shirtless. I saw some photos from those episodes many years later, and I still got turned on. He was quite the sexy man.

A shrink could probably have a field day with this, but - I think I wanted Superman to rescue me from my crazy parents? I totally identified being stuck in a dangerous situation. 

But I wasn't sure if I wanted him or wanted to be him. I was, however, delighted to find out years later, that Jack Larson is gay. And, that he had been partnered with Montgomery Clift for some time.

David - Austin, TX

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