Saturday, July 9, 2011

J. Pierre Loves He-Man!

My first gay crush was He-Man!

It all began with He-Man (defender of the Universe) in about 1988, when I was around age 5.

Odd to think about now, as I have never dated a blonde guy.

But there was something about his boots and furry underwear that screamed out to me:

"Hey, this is HOT!"

My dad bought me most of the He-Man action figures, even though I suspect he suspected it was more than just child's play.

I mean, let's face it: He-Man was not the only one with the bulging muscles. Even the bad guys were ripped!

I included She-Ra in the mix, because as time went on, I wanted to be her and be with him - LOL!

J. Pierre - Cape Town, South Africa

Inspired by the "Born This Way Blog" -

Friday, July 8, 2011

Julia Loves Christina Ricci!

My first gay crush was actress Cristina Ricci.

I went to see the movie "Now and Then" and lost my mind over the badass character she played.

In the movie, Christina couldn't identify with her girly pals. 

She even taped her boobs down for the first half of the film.

My crush got so deep that I had to feign a massive crush on Devon Sawa, to balance out my obsession.

I think my mom even got uncomfortable and pissed at me, for talking about her so much. I remember getting a bunch of teen magazines and I made a collage of Devon Sawa to put in the inside of my trunk at summer camp.

I would go to great lengths to ensure people that I actually had crushes on boys. I remember opening up the trunk at camp, and feeling embarrassed about the collage. Luckily, my shampoo bottle exploded and got everything stained, so I ended up crumpling it up and throwing it right away.

I listened to the "Now and Then" soundtrack until the cassette tape broke. My friends and I would pretend we were the characters in the movie, and of course I was always cast as the "tomboy" - aka the Cristina Ricci.

She was my hero!

Julia - Miami, FL

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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Todd Loves Big Jim!

My first gay crush was on Big Jim,
a Mattel action figure doll.

In 1972, Mattel Toys' pacifist answer to G.I. Joe arrived in my life - wrapped with a bow no less - on my 5th birthday. And yes:

My Big Jim doll was my first gay crush.

And seriously,
what's not to love? 

Those full lips of his, curled in a teasing half-smile. Those gentle brown eyes, large hands, and not to mention that athletic, injection-molded build! He was 8" of handsome jock that you could carry around in your pocket. I took him everywhere.

At age 5, he was my best friend. But even with a vast wardrobe of every sport uniform possible, I recall enjoying him most when shirtless.

Or in just his tube socks! Unfortunately, his orange Speedos were glued on!

Big Jim ignited my lifelong passion for both men and toys. And he certainly made me want to "collect them all!" And, thanks to that man hunk of plastic, I'll always be a sucker for brown-eyed brunettes.

Thank you for creating these amazing blogs. You've started a revolution which has single-handedly helped move the LGBT community towards self-acceptance and, more importantly, self-celebration!

Todd - New York, NY

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Friday, July 1, 2011

Malcolm Loves David Soul!

My first gay crush was 70's actor David Soul!

This was 1977. I was 10-years old and I plastered my bedroom walls with his posters. 

I talked about him endlessly at home and at school, and never missed an episode of "Starsky & Hutch."

I didn't feel pressure to hide my romantic adoration of this gorgeous man.

Which was accompanied by a need and a longing I had yet to understand.

Soon after I started middle school, a classmate spotted a favorite photo I'd pasted into an exercise book. Whatever it was he said, I was mortified that my adoration meant I might be seen as gay.

So, after the 2 years of innocent pleasure I'd enjoyed loving him, I dumped my crush. And with those feelings of shame, I took the first steps into the closet. A place I wouldn’t break out of until many years later.

Malcolm - London, UK

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Thursday, June 30, 2011

David Loves Corey Hart!

My first gay crush was singer Corey Hart!

Seeing the video for "Sunglasses At Night" started it for me...

Corey Hart had such a smoldering, sexy look that I totally fell for.

As he's from Canada,
I found his slight foreign accent to be especially intriguing.

I followed his career, reaching the peaking point of my crush with his album, "Boy In The Box."

I remember reading an interview in Bop Magazine about how he got his hair so spiky. His answer? Toothpaste. So I gave it a try to be like him. It didn't work on my hair that well, but it did smell minty fresh that day.

My crush on Corey was a secret, but I would tear out the full page pics of him in Bop and 16 magazines, and put them on my bedroom wall. I felt like it wasn't as obvious, since I had Madonna, Cyndi Lauper, and Wham! posters up there in the mix, too.

David - Los Angeles, CA
Boy In The BoxSunglasses At NightCorey Hart: The Complete Aquarius Years 1983-1990, Chapter 1 - Life Is a Video

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