Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Carl Loves Billy Mumy!

My first gay crush was Billy Mumy as Will Robinson.

He was on "Lost In Space" from 1965 to 1967. Having the hots for him at that time was not, um, pedophillic, if that's the word.

It was simply my first attraction to another boy.

Back then, I would fantasize about being transported to wherever they were in the cosmos, so I could be the friend to get him away from that rascally Dr. Smith.

Just recently, I had a dream that my husbear bought me a ticket for a trip on the Jupiter II for my birthday!

I boarded the ship with the robot, then later Will and I were talking in the galley. As we talked, our facial features morphed so that we resembled each other. But our faces became elongated, so that's how I knew it was only a dream.

But Will said he had a long lost brother. And with our strong resemblance, we concluded that I was his long lost brother! As my heart fluttered (and not from too much caffeine this time), I awakened. 

When I told my husbear about my dream (hoping he would somehow make it a reality for my next birthday), he was mad that I left with the robot to board the Jupiter II. What did he think I'd do, leave the robot with him? No way!

This was my first gay crush and this was MY dream! I think my husbear is the only person I've ever told this to until today. 

I was a much younger man in my dreams. Aren't we all? Yeah well, time flies don't it?

Carl - Honesdale, Pennsylvania

Click here - "Born This Way: Real Stories of Growing Up Gay" book
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British Free Corps said...

That's such a great dream, and you're such a cool guy for sharing it. Sorry, but Husbear should get a life.

Johnjon said...

I enjoyed you post, I too loved watching “Lost in Space”. It was my guilty pleasure when I was young since my mother wouldn’t allow me to watch it. My crush from that time wasn’t Bill Mumy, I just wanted to BE him. All the toys he had, I would have been in heaven. No, my crush from the show Major Don West. The hair, the eyes, the way he spoke, and the way he looked in his uniform pants left little to the imagination.
Many years later, in the mid 80’s, I was working my first job. My parents found out about me, gave me 30 minutes to pack, “oh, and leave your house and car keys on the table”. My boyfriend at the time was NOT happy. He didn’t want a full time husband. So I ended up finding a room mate, found a job at a high end restaurant, and slept on the floor for quite a while.
One afternoon my employer told me his brother in law was flying into town on business, and would be coming into the restaurant for dinner. I asked him what his brother in law did, he replied, “he’s and actor, you might have heard about him when he was a boy, his name is Bill Mumy”. I thought I was going to pass out. After all these years, I would finally meet my childhood idol. He arrived, I was nervous, and he quickly made me feel calm. He asked if I ever saw the show. I told him how much I enjoyed it when I was young, but hadn’t seen it in years because I didn’t have cable. He was kind enough to ask for my address, that he’d like to send me something. A few weeks later a package arrived, in it was a VHS tape, an autographed 8x10 that said “Have fun John”. On the tape were the pilot, his favorite episode, and based on what we talked about, my favorite episode. I sent him a thank you, and from then on whenever he visited the restaurant, would ask for me. He really was a charming, nice guy. I still have the tape by the way.